I've learned a lot from my Dad

Created by Aurelia 3 years ago

I've learned a lot from my Dad and have inherited several of his traits too, (both good and bad) For one thing we both hated hospitals, I remember the day I called Dad to collect me from hospital asking him not to mention to Mom that I was discharging myself, (as we both knew she would never agree to it) he came and got me straight away!

Like Dad I am independent, strong minded, and unstoppable when I put my mind to something and he completely understood, afterall he had previously done this too! Of course Dad was determined not to spend time in hospital whilst he was ill, he would insist on going home despite advice and chose to be nursed at home by Mom, supported in his final weeks by family, Carers and Nurses.

When we found out Dad had cancer, I remember him telling me he was going to take my lead, we've got through this before and will get through it again he said... Despite being 21 years my senior, he then somehow rustled up the energy and with hope and sheer determination he strove forward, undergoing the many hospital appointments and treatments that followed, taking each next step in his stride, we just need to get to the next phase, then I will be able to do a few things he would say...

He amused all those around him with his wit and anecdotes and kept up his sense of humour along the way. Dad bravely fought cancer for over 16 months, and it was one hell of a tough journey, yet he complained very little, and never once lost hope. Instead he continued to plan the many things he still wanted to do in the time he had left.

Sadly time ran out in the end... but he put up one hell of a battle!

If there is one final thing my Dad has taught me... its to never give up, no matter how bleak things seem, we must always have determination and keep up our hope and dreams no matter what life throws at us! You leave a big hole in our lives Dad, but you live on forever in our hearts and minds (and a few traits too :-) xxx