Zoe 24th February 2021

2xNuVQgv Roughly 19 years ago Neill introduced me to the 'back-end' of the World Wide Web and taught me how to maintain a website. This totally random alphanumeric password was the very first I'd encountered and it was given to me by Neill. Isn't it funny......I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday, but I have remembered this obscure sequence for 19 years. Perhaps it is because of the friendship that was formed during this time as teacher and student! Sadly I have not seen or spoken with Neill in many years. I worked with Dil for some time back in the early noughties and met Neill then as he was the IT man! When Dil and I went our separate ways with work we were in touch only occasionally. Neill was a patient teacher and understood my need to know why I was doing something before I did it! We had many a laugh and I remember fondly spending a couple of hours with him and Dil at their home, sharing a cuppa (it was the middle of the day and I was driving!!!) and getting advice from them both about a potential career move. Such immensely wise people. Neill and Dil were soul mates, that was easy to see. Anyone who shares the same level of love and affection in their life is very, very blessed.